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5 Leadership Myths

5 Leadership Myths

A lot has been —and continues to be — written about leadership. There are some misconceptions out there. I often hear people come into their coaching sessions with these misconceptions. They’re surprised and delighted to learn what leadership truly is all about.

Sometimes understanding what something is can be best achieved by understanding what it is not. In the case of these leadership myths, by understanding you don’t need to live up to something that isn’t real, you gain hope. You start to see that you can be a transformational leader.

Myth #1: Leadership is Defined by Your Title

This one is very popular. Many people believe that in order to be a leader, they have to be in a senior position at work or have a certain type of title. Not true! Leadership has nothing to do with your title. You don’t even need to technically be in management. Leadership and management are not the same.

Myth #2: A Good Leader Orders People Around

There are many different leadership styles, one of which is authoritarian. But a transformative leader isn’t someone who issues orders. Certainly, leadership involves assigning tasks to people. Rather than rely on dictating orders, however, you want to help your team members see what they need to do on their own. You want to coach and mentor.

If you’ve ever worked for someone who micromanages, you know the toll it can take on your confidence, creativity, and desire to continue working for them. Leadership that guides people toward a shared goal doesn’t need to micromanage.

Myth #3: Leadership Requires Power

Leadership does not equate to power. It’s about cultivating strong relationships built on mutual respect and trust. These relationships give you personal influence and persuasion. While there is some power involved in being a leader, that power must be used delicately. A true, authentic transformative leader does not need to command or demand power if they’re leading effectively.

People will follow and collaborate with people who are authentic, honest, and who are moving the team toward an inspiring vision that benefits everyone involved.

Myth #4: A True Leader Knows Everything

This one is not only not true but also dangerous to believe. Leadership isn’t about knowing the right answers all the time or making the right decisions. It’s actually only achieved by mastering the ability to get back up and try again after you’ve failed. It’s about being resilient.

One of the most valuable skills a leader can learn, in fact, is how to admit their mistakes. Another is managing conflict head-on. After all, both are going to happen. You’ll make mistakes, and you’ll encounter conflict. These skills cannot be learned from books. The best way to master them is to go through them with help. We coach many people through these exact situations.

Myth #5: Leaders Are Always Confident

While I’m sure they may seem like they’re always confident, rest assured no leader is confident every minute of every day. We’re human. It’s not that they’re always confident. It’s that transformative leaders know when to ask for help. They’re always looking to learn new skills, new communication techniques, and new ways of looking at situations. Pride doesn’t prevent true leaders from growing.

There are many famous leaders who’ve made mistakes. They learned from them and tried again. The less successful and ineffective leaders rest on their laurels, refusing to believe they may need to learn something new.

There are many definitions of what makes a leader a leader. The concept of leadership draws a lot of attention, and there are numerous definitions. But the truth is that a transformational leader is someone who engages in the process of social influence that maximizes the efforts of other people toward achieving a specified goal. It’s working together.

I believe there’s a leader inside you, waiting to spread your wings. Let’s work together to unleash it.

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