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What Does Authenticity Really Mean?

What Does Authenticity Really Mean?

The word “authenticity” is pretty hot right now. But what does being “authentic” really mean? The word itself means to be real. When we talk about authentic Mexican food, we mean food that’s prepared in and tastes like it’s from Mexico. It’s not watered down. Short cuts haven’t been taken.

The same can be true for people.

To be a transformative leader, I believe you must be an authentic leader. You must be you. Not watered down. No short cuts taken.

In my first book Leadership Wizard, I made what I deem a radical statement: “to be a great leader, you must unlock the magic that comes from within.”

I believe this is the basis of authenticity. Leadership isn’t about power, pride or perfection. It’s not about knowing what should be done all the time or only saying the right things. It’s a process of influence that maximizes everyone’s ability to meet a stated goal. And only truly authentic leaders experience success at this level.

In Confident Wizard, I focus on the value of being confident. Confidence is essential, and it can’t be separated from authenticity.

What Is Authenticity?

Understanding the scope of authenticity is required for us to grow and make an impact. When you struggle with low self-esteem and low self-awareness, you won’t be an effective leader.

To know what defines authenticity, it might be helpful to first say what it’s not. It’s not staying the same you. It’s not staying stagnant. After all, growth requires us to become self-aware enough to be willing to change. Little good comes from staying in our comfort zones, as all all the gurus will tell you.

Authenticity is unlocking your true self. It’s developing what’s already there. For some of us, this takes longer and more work. That’s okay. In fact, it may be better. What takes more effort often sticks the longest.

Why Is Authenticity Important in Leadership?

Authenticity gives you confidence, and confident leaders leverage not only their own knowledge but also, and more importantly, their team’s knowledge and expertise. When you are true to who you are, you’re aware of your attributes — good and bad.

Your self-worth isn’t tied up in your faults because we all have faults. Rather than beat yourself up for having faults, you embrace them as opportunities to learn from your team members. After all, everyone is human and fallible. This creates a collaborate environment where everyone feels worthy to contribute.

When you know who you are, what you stand for, and why you’re here, making decisions becomes easier, guiding your teams becomes natural, and results become attainable. Knowing what you stand for ensures you make decisions based on your values and not your circumstances. When you make decisions on circumstances, you’re more reactionary and inconsistent.

People don’t trust inconsistent leaders. We don’t trust inconsistency, in general.

How Can I Become an Authentic Leader?

Great question!

Ultimately, the answer is to develop confidence in who you are and what you believe. Feeling worthy and secure in yourself is what staying authentic means.

The first trait you’ll want to embrace is that of self-awareness. We must focus on self because when you try to emulate someone else, you risk inauthenticity. The ability to lead, to influence, and to stay true to your own personal values — while you get things done — is what makes you transformative.

Becoming self-aware starts the journey toward accepting (and celebrating!) you. As you uncover your core values and purpose, you become more resilient and effective.

The journey has many steps, and it’s very much a personalized one. One of the first actions we take in coaching is administering personality assessments. A great first step into self-awareness, these assessments are insights into the true you. We then develop a plan personalized for you.

And you begin to align to your authentic self.

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