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How to Build Trust As a Leader

How to Build Trust As a Leader

Last week, I talked about the importance of creating a vision when leading people. I’d like to continue that conversation and talk about building trust. Because true transformational leaders are authentic leaders, they’re more easily trusted. We follow, we align ourselves with those who are trusted.

How do we cultivate this trust? Can it be created? The answers for you are personal, and while those discussions are best had in private coaching sessions, there are some general guidelines everyone can consider.

What Is Trust?

When we have the wrong definition, we risk setting up unfulfilled expectations and broken promises.

The definition of trust includes many aspects, including the ability to rely on the character, ability, strength or truth of someone or something, It’s about certainty. When we trust something as truth, we use it as a foundation upon which to build more truths.

Trust is about authenticity.

Trust and Authenticity

Nearly every conversation we have here at Marlene González coaching starts out exploring what makes you ... you. Trust is produced when a leader knows exactly who they are, why they’re leading, what they want, how they want to get it, and where their team fits in. Only people who are confident are able to stand up for their ideas when they need to and also admit when they’re wrong when they are.

Think about trust in today’s world. The internet — social media and search engine-driven results — and attacks on journalistic motives have greatly eroded American trust in the media. Graphic programs can create false images and even create false videos. Soundbites and memes take words out of context and distort the facts. A 2019 study by the Pew Research Center found that 71% of its participants believe interpersonal trust has “deteriorated in the past 20 years.

As leaders, in order for you to compel your team to work toward your vision, they must first trust you. When they hear your vision, they must believe it to be authentic. They not only need to trust you and your vision but also each other. Collaboration is key.

Reduced trust negatively affects relationships, commitment, and effort on every level. Authentic trust, on the other hand, leads to authentic relationships where people work together without worry about personal gain. Everyone rows to shore, in sync, and for the greater good.

Trust Is Earned

Trust isn’t something that you get. It’s something earned. While being in an official leadership position that comes with a title will inherently garner the beginnings of trust, transformational leaders don’t always come with such a title. Remember, leadership is more than an official position. It’s a set of behaviors.

To be that effective leader, you must first be authentically you. When you are, you’re more likely to have the courage to go against the grain if necessary. You’ll work to earn the trust of your peers and team members.

How to Build Trust As a Leader

In addition to staying true to your authentic self and crafting an honest, beneficial vision, there are 10 key actions you can take to build trust:

1.   Excel at their job

2.   Love their work

3.   Always self-aware

4.   Care about others

5.   Pursue what is best for others

6.   Listen

7.   Maintain perspective

8.   Manage work, not people

9.   Quick to express gratitude

10. See past themselves

Trust In Your Vision

As you define and communicate your vision, you’ll see where people trust and perhaps where they don’t. Listening to your team members is crucial and will go a long way in ensuring you develop trust. This is especially true when you’re new to the organization. Being unknown has its pros and cons.

The key is to be authentic and intentional.

Craft a strategy to support your vision, and a plan to execute it. By intentionally creating clarity and focus, you’ll build and solidify trust.

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