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The Importance of Self-Care in the Workplace

The Importance of Self-Care in the Workplace

Did you know that leaders are imperfect? It’s a myth that leaders always have the answers and know the right things to say. This is important to acknowledge and even celebrate because it gives leaders the space to grow and learn. And struggle.

It also brings us to a topic that while it might seem out of place in the professional setting, is absolutely necessary to discuss. That topic is self-love. What most people talk about is “self-care,” but truly developing self-love is the best way to care for yourself. Many people find it easy to be compassionate and empathetic toward other people but then struggle to treat themselves with the same genuine kindness. Self-love is one of the keys to living and leading well.

What Is Self-Love?

Self-love isn’t like romantic love, which is what we think of first. It’s about channeling energy toward your goals and yourself. Originating from within, self-love is active. It’s a way to interact with the world. Self-love is a conscious and active existence. It defines how you see everything and carry yourself.

When a leader learns to love and care for themself, they become fully engaged in their purpose and in their surroundings. If you’re looking to be inspired or motivated, look no further than love. It’s what gives each of us our purpose, which is why it makes sense to include in discussions of leadership.

We talk about authenticity in leadership, and authenticity starts with loving who you are and what you value. Leaders who possess this kind of energy are leaders who naturally inspire others. This isn’t about arrogance or narcissism. Self-love actually enables you to love others. It’s a confidence evident in your interactions. As a leader, you have the ability to lead from within because you know your worth and can maintain your own happiness.

It's the ultimate security. And people will trust your leadership because you have a steady compass.

What Happens When a Leader Lacks Self-Love?

When you’re not secure internally, you don’t cherish yourself. This leads to missing opportunities because you don’t recognize good things that come your way. Think of the person who values themself so little that they don’t believe someone could be attracted to them. They’ll miss the signs of people wanting to get to know them better. The opportunity will seem too good for you.

If this reminds you of imposter syndrome, it should.

When you love yourself, you believe you’re worth more than what people may be willing to give. You don’t ignore your desire to be accepted by others, and you understand the most important story of love is the one you write with yourself.

How to Develop Self-Love

Luckily, you can learn this self-love. Most people need some guidance in this area, and our coaches are trained to start where you’re at and move you at your own pace. We’ll teach you the skills you need to ensure you:

  • Don’t self-sabotage
  • Teach others love by setting boundaries
  • Stop comparing yourself to others
  • Don’t worry about the opinions of others
  • Divorce your value from your looks
  • Say goodbye to the toxic
  • Process your fear Take opportunities when they come your way
  • Put yourself first

These skills are the self-care skills that create a solid, authentic loving relationship with self. This is the foundation from which transformative leadership grows.

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